From our schools to our homes and restaurants, about 30-40% of food is wasted in America. Food waste is especially dangerous because when tossed in a landfill, decomposing particles release methane,a greenhouse gas 72x as powerful as carbon dioxide. Luckily, this problem has an easy solution... composting! Over 90% of food waste and other materials can be composted and dropped off at your local collection bin, or kept and used for a school/community garden! Check out this site to find out how to transition your school cafeteria to a greener, and better place:)
A recent study showed that HALF of all printed documents are thrown away within 24 hours!! The paper making industry is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases worldwide so the consious use of paper must be developed. While this solution depends on internet access and financial ability, school administrations should encourage teachers to post assignments online and project things on their white board instead of creating handouts every class. Over time, switching to online learning will greatly reduce costs and paper use which will save your administration money! Remember, all environmental solutions usually have greater economic payouts in the long run! Check out this site to learn more and brainstorm more ways to change your school's habits:)